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Time to Shine

Reset your energy in your Akashic Records to have even more impact, without sacrificing more time

Book now for just £99

An exclusive membership community

Helping brilliant business strategists create strategies for their own life, to find their freedom, balance and joy without sacrificing the impact on their clients.

Join now to learn, grow and shine as brightly as you were always meant to, with a community of like-minded people who really get it.

Are you fed up of seeing your clients creating their dream lives, but somehow you're missing out?

Do you feel passionate about the impact you create for your clients, but it's taking its toll on your personal and family time?

Do you find yourself thinking you've achieved the success you originally wanted, but something is still missing?

Imagine if you could finally find the freedom and space you've always wanted, without feeling guilty for sacrificing your family time OR reducing the impact on your clients?

The Sacred Success Lounge is a community for you if

You are a business owner who feels like there's more to life than just working.

You already know that your business is a great thing - but something is missing.

You're already open to the idea of there being a spiritual element to life - and are curious about learning more.

You feel guilty for not being fully present for your loved ones - but also feel that you can't sacrifice your clients.

You are craving balance, peace and freedom - but not quite sure how to find them.

I'm Sonia, the Spiritual Life Strategist

My mission is to make the world a happier place, one joyful person at a time.

I’m here to share my sparkle with you, so that you can sparkle more brightly and have more impact yourself. (The ripple effect is what it’s all about for me.).

I help you resolve the elements that may be out of balance for you, so you can reach that place of true alignment and joy across all areas of your life.

I’m a Cancer Sun, Sagittarius Ascendant, Taurus Moon, Pleiades Starseed, Akashic worker, Sorceress (with ALL Clair gifts activated), Dragon-kin, Medium, Healer, Numerology 8 & 3/5 Pure Generator.

I’m married to an artist, often described as authentically bonkers, and my kitchen is my happy place.

I’m delighted to welcome you into my world.

"I've had a session with Sonia and I'll just say l've been in the online AND the spiritual space for a very long time and l've been around, mentored and been read to by many many people.

Sonia is GOOD.

Her toolbox is off the scale and her intuition is wild and her knowledge is deep and wide."

Helen Tudor - August 2024

Does this sound familiar?

Taking a half day with family, but constantly checking your phone just in case a client needs you

Feeling like any time away from your business needs to be paid back at evenings and weekends

Celebrating every success your clients have, but questioning how they can have such an amazing lifestyle while you don't

Feeling like on paper you are super successful - but still feel like something's missing and not sure what it is?

Would you love to be part of a community of like minded people, who are curious, open minded and looking to grow in life as much as in business?

Running a successful business without sacrificing family time - imagine it!

And growing spiritually

And having more awareness and understanding of yourself and others

And being able to resolve old trauma and wounding in a safe way

And learning techniques to keep stress away

All inside an amazing closed community of other people you can reach out to whenever you need it, with total confidentiality and safety


Sacred Success Lounge

I'm Sonia, the Spiritual Life Strategist

My mission is to make the world a happier place, one joyful person at a time.

I'm here to show you that the power of Integration is what it's all about. The incredible blend of Mind, Body and Spirit alongside practical strategies for life are where the true joy and alignment are found.

With a unique blend of Therapeutic Coaching, Spiritual Guidance, Healing and Somatic work, my background as a senior leader in the corporate world means I'm passionate about keeping it real.

I'm here to sparkle across the world and make a real difference, by showing you, in practical ways, how you can come into balance and alignment yourself.

Which means that you can sparkle and have even more impact on the people around you. I'm here for the ripple effect.

I’m married to an artist, often described as authentically bonkers, and my kitchen is my happy place.

I’m delighted to welcome you into my world.

What do you actually get when you sign up to The Sacred success lounge?
Fortnightly Masterminding & Coaching session with Sonia

To unpick whatever is most pressing for you right now. Hotseats, learning, discussions, masterminding, coaching and more. This is where you get tailored advice and guidance on your stickiest challenges.

Live Meditations

Join Sonia LIVE in regular meditation sessions to harness the power of the Moon or other significant cosmic energies - so you can make sure you are tapping into your full potential

Weekly spiritual guidance

A weekly insight from Sonia on what's going on cosmically that might be impacting you, usually with a card reading to guide your week ahead

membership portal

Split into 3 areas, covering Mind, Body and Spirit. You can learn more about the theory of the mind, learn more about keeping your stress levels low so you can function more effectively and learn more about the spiritual side of life so you can accept more balance and flow in your life.

The power is in the integration

An amazing Community space

We are moving rapidly into an era where community matters more than competition.

As a member, you will have access to a secure private community space (NOT hosted on Social Media!) to share questions, ideas, learning and more with your fellow members, in total confidence.

It's a totally secure totally privately-hosted community space that no-one other than members can ever get to. Total confidentiality is guaranteed.

Choose between two levels of membership


Minimum 6 months

Access to fortnightly Mastermind calls

LIVE cosmically guided meditations

Weekly card readings & guidance

Resource Library

A confidential safe community of like-minded people (hosted outside of social media) where you can network, receive support and more

Total Value


Member Price today


Saving you £551

Or £77 per month

Sparkle Member

Join for 12 months

Everything inside the membership (£1288)

6 x 1:1 calls with Sonia, scheduled every 2 months (1,332)

Private area for Sparkle Members within the community with direct support from Sonia for 12 months (£500)

Maximum of 6 members

Total Value


Member Price today


Saving you £1118

Or £188 per month

AND extra bonuses if you Pay in Full


Receive 2 months' membership free

Receive a 1:1 Akashic Oracle Card Reading

(Total Value £397)

Sparkle Member

Receive 2 months' membership free

Receive 1 of your 1:1 sessions free

Receive an Akashic Code Clearance Session

(Total Value £851)


These are just some of the comments Sonia's clients have shared with her

"I am SO grateful for the INCREDIBLE therapeutic coaching I received.

I redecided something HUGE and, without a doubt, life changing!

The impact on me was massive and will change all the things which have been weighing on me lately."

Lucy Power

"Had to share a mention to Sonia Davies.

Straight away she picked up on something that's been holding me back... pretty much forever!

Sonia is a highly gifted channel + intuitive as well as a therapeutic coach, so do check out her work."

Katy Murray

"And there it was. The gifts I needed to no longer be a victim of the world and my stories that being an owner of a coaching business is not for me.

Thank you, Sonia, for your offering that gave me hope again in the best version of myself."

Karen Lynskey

Still have Questions?

Have a look at these

Is there a minimum commitment?

If you join as a member and pay monthly, you are agreeing to a minimum 6 month commitment.

If you join as a Member and pay in full, you are committing to 12 months of membership.

If you join as a Sparkle Member, you are committing to a 12 month programme of 1:1 support.

What's your approach to Inclusion?

Inside the community there are a set of rules, designed to ensure everyone feels safe at all times. The first rule on the list is about Inclusion. Everyone, regardless of race, gender identity, sexuality, marital status, disability (hidden or not), religious beliefs or anything else - is 100% welcome inside the Sacred Success Lounge.

Sonia Davies has a zero tolerance policy on any form of hate, abuse, intolerance or discrimination.

In terms of accessibility, if you have specific requirements to enable you to participate fully as a member, please just speak to Sonia and she will do whatever is possible to accommodate you.

How much direct access will I get to Sonia?


Within the fortnightly zoom calls you will have an opportunity for hotseats to get personalised advice from Sonia.

You will also have a membership community portal (outside social media platforms) where you can ask questions and Sonia will drop in and answer when she is able to.

(Bear in mind the questions you have are likely to be ones others will also have!)

This membership does not include direct 1:1 support from Sonia, outside the group calls and community posts.

Sparkle Members

Sparkle Members have 6 x 1:1 sessions included within their membership, plus online support in a private area within the community.

I'm interested in joining as a Sparkle Member - what else do I need to know?

Firstly - fabulous! You will be part of an exclusive group of just 6 people over the next 12 months.

As part of your membership you have access to the full membership along with the Founder Members. You also retain the status as a Founder member - meaning at the end of the 12 months you can choose to continue as a Sparkle Member, or drop back into the membership at the Founder Member rate.

The 6 x 1:1 sessions will be scheduled directly with Sonia (she will contact you after you join to arrange this). They are intended to be every 2 months during the 12 month period. The first will happen as soon as diaries permit after you join.

You will also be added to a private channel within the community just for Sparkle Members, with direct access to online support from Sonia.

How confidential is this?

Confidentiality is a CORE rule of this membership. The community platform is hosted independently on a private server that cannot be accessed by others. Members are asked to agree to rules when they join - which includes maintaining the confidentiality of the members and everything that is shared within the community or live sessions.

What goes on in the membership stays in the membership.

Plus - this is a closed membership. Meaning there will only ever be certain windows of opportunity for new members to join. There won't be a drip of constant new people coming into your community. This allows time for you to build relationships with existing members, to create safety and ensure your ability to grow.

Sonia Davies will never disclose the names of members of the Sacred Success Lounge without you choosing this yourself.

Any data submitted to Sonia Davies as a part of joining the membership is stored in line with current GDPR requirements under English Law. Sonia is registered with the Information Commissioners Office.

Does membership give me discounts on other products from Sonia?

No, however she may on occasion choose to offer discounts to members. These are entirely discretionary and are not an automatic entitlement of membership.

What about cancellation / refunds?

If you wish to cancel and you are past your initial commitment phase (6 months for monthly membership, 12 months for Pay in Full / Sparkle Membership), you are free to do so at any time.

For administrative purposes, please give a minimum of 10 days notice before you next payment is due so that there is sufficient time to ensure you won't be charged.

If you do wish to cancel, please let Sonia know. There is never any judgement on your reasons why - but sometimes there are alternative options that could be put in place rather than cancellation. If we know how best to help you, we will always try to accommodate your needs.

Sonia Davies Coaching operates a no refund policy for membership payments.

What do I do if I'm not happy?

Sonia is here to support you in whatever way is best for you. She wants you to have a positive experience as a member of the Sacred Success Lounge. This is a membership and community that will grow over time, and your insights and experiences are crucial to help make this work for you and others, both now and in the future.

Sonia will issue feedback forms on a regular basis, for you to give honest insights into your experience as a member.

If you have comments or feedback about any aspect of the membership that don't work for you, please do contact Sonia directly. She would rather hear from you directly so that she can resolve things, rather than you sit quietly and just leave because you're not happy.

Copyright Sonia Davies Coaching 2024.

All rights reserved.